Statistics 2 - Introduction to Statistical Process Control Course Completion Badge
Awarded to JETHRO JAMES BODOSO (This user no longer exists in LEARN. MOVE. SOAR.)
Issued 19 Pebrero 2021, 12:01 AM
Issued by imiuniversity
Course: Statistics 2 - Introduction to Statistical Process Control
This badge will be awarded to LMS users who have completed this course.
- ALL of the following activities are completed:
- "Rekurso - Module 1 - Introduction to Statistical Process Control"
- "Pagsusulit - Part 1 Exam"
- "Rekurso - Module 2 & 3 - Defining SPC and Parts of Control Chart"
- "Pagsusulit - Part 2 & 3 Exam"
- "Rekurso - Module 4 - Analyzing Control Chart"
- "Pagsusulit - Part 4 Exam"
- "Rekurso - Module 5 - Improving Quality by Statistical Process Control"
- "Pagsusulit - Part 5 Exam"
More details
- Version
- 01
- Language
- English
- Image author's name
- Isabel Ceballos